Professor Feinstein's classes at SOM
The Practice and Management of Creativity & Innovation
(828b, taught in the Spring, half course) - Syllabus
This is an elective course for SOM students and other interested Yale students about the creative process and the management of this process. We describe and discuss basic features of the creative process, both short-term and over longer time periods, a number of different psychological approaches to creativity, and important issues involved in managing creativity effectively, including leadership, project management, incentives, and response to change. Basic issues include: fostering our own creativity and the creativity of those around us; paths of creative development of individuals engaging in creative endeavors; obstacles to creativity; brainstorming; and the nature of creativity in teams and organizations. We study creativity in many domains, including business, science and technology, the arts, and life in general, relying on a mixture of lectures, readings, creativity exercises, cases, and general discussion.
Core Statistics
(403, Fall term - 8 Classes)
Core statistics for our MBA students. Main topics are hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, simple estimation, and an introduction to basic regression, including independent and dependent variables, key assumptions of the regression model, how to interpret regression output, and discussion of practical issues and applications including causality and variable selection. STATA is used in the course.
Math Boot Camp
(taught in the Summer)
View Professor Feinstein's faculty profile.
A minicourse for students who need/want an extra boost of math preparation heading into the SOM first year core curriculum.
In addition to these courses, Professor Feinstein designed and launched the Innovator’s Perspective core course in the integrative SOM curriculum. In the past he has also taught Public Sector Economics and Decision Analysis.